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About Us

We believe Lund is the best place in the world to raise children, so it seems only natural that we would start their education here, supported by the community and taking advantage of our beautiful surroundings.  


Lund Puddlejumpers Preschool began in 2010, after months of planning and visioning workshops to develop a preschool that would fit the Lund community.  Families came together to develop goals for the preschool, our guiding principles:


  • To provide an opportunity for parents to be involved in their child’s first educational experience.

  • To inspire and nurture appreciation of the natural world and foster a personal environmental ethic.

  • To foster the total development of each child through a blend of traditional play based preschool standards and environmental education.

  • To provide a safe, secure, developmentally appropriate and stimulating environment.


With the support of the Lund Community Society, we were able meet licensing requirements and hire a teacher.  We run twice a week from 9:00-1:00, with an average of 13 children enrolled at any time.  


Our teacher runs a creative program in which all the children are encouraged and involved. The children spend much of their time outside, exploring the garden, listening to stories in the living willow igloo, and taking field trips to local beaches, rivers and farms.  


The preschool is such a success because of the many parents who contribute to the program.  As a cooperative preschool, parents take an active role in their children's education, assisting as duty parents in the classroom about once a month.  The administrative roles are also shared among the parents, who act as registrar, treasurer, playground improvement coordinator, fundraising coordinator and many other positions. 


Each year adds new families with new skills to share, and each year sees the preschool and playground grow into the amazing program we see today.  

Your Teacher

I  love the incredibly rewarding work I do with the kids at Lund Puddle Jumpers Preschool.  I also work and play at my home in a beautiful old orchard with bees, chickens, goats and gardens. A love of nature is something the children and I share. 


All the parents at Puddle Jumpers contribute to the education of our children. While I am the primary teacher at the pre school we have a cooperative environment.

Alisha Van Belle

Contact Us

9656 Larson Bay Rd, Lund, BC V0N 2G0


Use the email form below to see about volunteer opportunities or to enroll your child.

Get in touch

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