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Industrial wood waste landfill site North of Bliss Landing



The company responsible for this project released the following statement:

"The constructive feedback and ideas of the local community are appreciated.  Although all Provincial requirements for this type of facility have been met, it is the concerns of the local community that has prompted the decision to withdraw the application with the Ministry of Environment, effective immediately."


On December 8th, at a qathet Regional District meeting many, in the community learned for the first time that there was an application for an industrial waste site on the Malaspina Peninsula. This page has been set-up by the Lund Community Society with the intended goal of making sure our community is informed and can make their voices heard about issues in their area. 


What is the proposal? 

A company named: 1265209 B.C. Ltd. has applied (Application No. 110495 / 397189) through a consultant (Jeff Levine) to use their property (14445 Sarah Point Road) North of Bliss Landing,  as a disposal site for up to 375,000 cubic meters of industrial contaminated waste. The waste is said to contain sawdust, wood chips, hog fuel, end cuts of wood less than 1 metre in length, dredging of wood waste, sand, gravel, rocks, inert waste and inert cover material. The industrial waste is to be shipped over a 15 month period by ocean, in barge containers, from the city of Squamish to the Malaspina Peninsulaand hauled by trucks up the hillside to their site. The operating period for this facility will be 8 am to 5 pm, five days a week. According to the notice, all material will be non-hazardous and covered through intermediate cover material until the landfill is completed, and it will be covered with a low-permeability cover on top and soils and vegetation will be replanted.


What are some of the concerns raised by the community? 

  • The proposed dump site near Bliss Landing poses significant challenges. Most of the site's surface water would likely drain north into Hinder lake, through Malaspina Provincial Park, across the Sunshine Coast trail, into Okeover Inlet and, finally, into Desolation Sound Marine Park.  Any ground water that leaches into the ground would only be a few hundred meters north and above the community water wells and aquifers. 

  • There has been none or very limited limited public consultation on this project. 

  • The waste materials are coming from a site in Squamish that is notorious for contamination from industrial activity, including a nearby mine. 

  • The barges will be sailing through the area and potentially put in danger the Copeland Islands Marine Provincial Park

  • Existing oyster farms are located in close proximity to the site and could be adversely affected by the industrial activity. 

  • Water quality both fresh and salt could be impacted by increased traffic and potential leaching from the landfill site.

  • An industrial landfill would be built near existing parks and recreational trails.


What can I do to make my voice heard?  (the application has been withdrawn, but if you wish to comment see contacts below)

Any person who may be adversely affected by the proposed discharge of industrial wood waste residue and wishes to provide relevant information may, within 30 days after the last date of posting, publishing, service or display, send written comments to the applicant, with a copy to the Director at, specifying the Application No. 110495 in the email subject

​  - Ministry contact - Consultant preparing application for the company


You may consider copying the following elected representatives or government agency:   - Patrick Brabazon Area A rep qathet RD   - Nicholas Simons (MLA Sunshine Coast)  - Rachel Blaney (MP Powell River - North Island) -  Ministry of the Environment - Department of Fisheries and Oceans




Facebook groups where more information is being shared: 

Industrial Wood Waste Landfill









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